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We have been working with children, adolescents, and young adults of all abilities for more than twenty years. We are excited to bring our unique combination of Direct Instruction (based on the mastery of requisite academic skills) and Precision Teaching (program adapted to fit the individual’s needs, with the focus on fluency and competency) to Durham Region in Uxbridge, Ontario.

We start at the academic level where the learner feels competent, utilize learning programs which are prescriptive and highly effective teaching tools, incorporate behavioural strategies to optimize learning, and chart progress. Whether the learning is impacted by focusing issues (e.g., ADHD), learning exceptionalities (e.g., Learning Disability), developmental disorders (e.g., ASD), genetic conditions (e.g., Down syndrome), self-doubt, and/or mood and anxiety symptomatology, we can find a strength-based approach to help each individual attain their academic goals. The intervention is always one-on-one, and our services are supervised by a psychologist.

Since our opening, we have been adhering to the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the governing bodies and are doing everything we can to reduce any risk to our clients, staff, and community (we are happy to share our protocols upon request). Alternatively, on-line services are available. 

I believe that our Centre could greatly benefit some of the families you meet. Please feel free to call or email me with any questions. I would be happy to provide any additional information you need.

Direct Instruction programs are based on the mastery of requisite skills and build one skill on another. We place your child at a level where they are competent and move forward from there. Often there are gaps in a child's knowledge, and they will advance quickly once we have remedied these gaps. The direct instruction programs have built in mastery tests that give frequent feedback as to how new information is mastered. This feedback is great as we know immediately that something was not picked up and we are not finding this out months down the road. We use a lot of positive reinforcement throughout each session and we collect data on every visit.

Read more about Direct Instruction Programs... 


This part is the Precision Teaching part. Whether it is how many words read a minute or how many correct math facts written per minute, we chart the results and look for increases (or decreases) in the score. We look to increase correct responses and decrease errors. Whenever a child beats their record score, we make a big deal of their success. If we see a decrease or flattening of the data, we know that we need to make a change in the program and try again. Children attend sessions typically lasting 1, 1.5 or 2 hours depending on the number of subjects that need to be addressed. Children will make great progress attending even one session per week.


Read more about Precision Teaching Method... 

The initial step is to arrange a time that we can meet with your child and get to know your family better. There is much, much more to share. I will be happy to provide any additional information you need. Feel free to call or respond by email with your questions.

Our Staff

Wally Blacklock is an educator and co-owner of the North Durham Precision Learning Centre in Uxbridge, Ontario. He works with children of all ages helping them gain the requisite academic and personal skills they need to learn better and to succeed in school. He believes that every child can learn and advance with an effective teaching approach set in place. Wally has worked with hundreds of young people spanning his twenty-year career, and he has seen many surpass any expectation of their capability. Wally remains truly inspired and driven by the successes of his students and he is passionate about the work he does. Wally is trained in the delivery of Direct Instruction programs and the use of Precision Teaching tools such as the Standard Celeration chart for tracking progress.

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